Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Also....my letter to my future wife

I tried to sleep but couldn't instead I was driven to write...
Its a letter to my wonderful FW....
You may read if you wish, just wanted to post =)
Just please don't steal these are my thoughts....

Dear my love,

It has been just about eight months since you have asked me to be yours. To embark on a life long journey. Eight wonderful months, and I can not wait to say I do in just about nine months. I just wanted to take a moment as I watch you lay so peacefully and perfect, to say thank you. Thank you for being my sounding board when I need to get out ideas or thoughts, thank you for being the bulldozer that knocked all of my walls down and thank you for standing guard to make sure this heart here doesn’t get hurt. Thank you for telling me you are proud of me, and for supporting me. I want you to know that I could thank you for years to come and I will never run of reasons. I can only hope to show you how grateful and loved I am.

I also want you to know how beautiful you are, physically yes….that goes just by looking at you with those beautiful and intoxicating eyes, those amazing lips so many envy, your soft sweet skin, your forever desirable curves and those oh so perfect curls that leaves in lingo of a sweet innocent angel to a dark sinning exhilarating woman. You are forever in lingo with these two worlds and you forever keep me paying attention, wanting, needing and craving all of you.

Yet this is only one layer of beauty, there is also how beautiful you are inside.

You are so selfless, so kind and caring putting others in front of yourself in a positive way. The way you care for me, the way you care for our darlings Rocket and Star which is partly because I think you know how much they mean to me. You are so smart, and creative. You were given the gift of art with the spark of any drawing or writing instrument you then almost with no effort create a masterpiece, and still think it is nothing special. To me it is a beautiful work of art from my favorite artist. I would frame that and cherish it.

You are one who can make the saddest person smile, the angriest person laugh it off, I know this because you have with me but so many others also. You have taught me how to breath, how to live, and you help me to take credit and see that I am a worthy person who can go great places. I had my life planned to the second and then with a click there you were, something so very unplanned, so very unexpected but still so thrilling and captivating.

I could sit with you for hours and say nothing and be happy just to be in your presence. I could talk and argue with you for hours because I love to hear your point of view, your stories and your inner most private stories and details, no matter what I would not judge you or think of you any less.

You are my puzzle piece, see life is a big puzzle I feel, you go on and find some pieces and put them together. Well in my plan where I had it down to the second I was always missing a piece. I figured that was my fate, but oh no life had something much more special in store for me, and I don’t even know I deserve it, why I was the lucky one, because like I say so many times that missing piece was you. Then everything not only fit but became more colorful, full of shared dreams and values, a home filled with love and laughter, with smells of baking cupcakes and mexian food that somehow went perfectly together. A home that really only had love, and with love came so much more.

You awaken me and yet still I can only sleep to the sound of your heartbeat.

I can have the worst day, and still seeing your smile and those big ol’ brown eyes, and then just breathing you in makes everything else just melt away.

I guess I am rambling which well hey you should be used to, but I have so many points I want to make and well this time no list. So this can be one letter with some points, I will have the rest of my life to write more letters with more points.

For now just know that I adore you, and that I am so grateful for everything you do for me and our little family. At the end of the day I still just want to turn up the music close the doors, dance ever so slowly with you so that I can breath you in, feel your touch, hear your softest whisper, see into your soul, and taste your ever so sweet taste. Why? Well because to me that smell, that touch, that sound, that sight and that taste is what home is to me…You are home to me my love, and my heart is always open for you.

I love you beautiful girl, and remember this is only one letter to explain a few points, expect many many many more because you are worth it, and I cherish you…always.

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