Friday, October 31, 2008

my information letters! *to those in the wedding* *WITH PORN* -

So we each have our own wedding party but instead of e-mailing we thought we would give each person a letter with information about the wedding.... and their attire...

Here they are...

first the letter

then in the envlope

add a bow

and address



oh and heres what the letter said

Attn Bridesmaids:

This is just an update to say hello and give you some wonderful information! We have set the date June 27th 2009! The reception will be held in Andover, at The Andover Town House. The ceremony is still in the works! Lucky for you we already have your dresses decided!

The catch is we will give you some guidelines and you can pick

So no hating it
No complaining
And best thing you can decide how much money you want to spend.

Attached is the style we want to go for, and hope for you all to achieve
We are going for a pin up, rock and roll, vintage glam, fun look.

As of now you all we have parasols to walk down the aisle with!
Also the dresses must be black
The other option is hot pink, but let us know if you want the route.

If you are having some trouble let us know we have websites with really affordable dresses
Also we are always available for a trip to the store to help!


Eryn & Laurie
A Modern Love Story Production.


What do ya'll think?
They may differ for MOH and JR. MOH

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